Looking for something to do during this time of social distancing? Why not use this time to explore and discover things that you typically don’t have time to do? Here are five fun things to do that will help you retain your sanity and maintain a optimistic frame of mind. Step away from the news feed. Keep a positive attitude by trying a new activity each day.

Send a note!

Everyone loves to get mail! Now is the perfect time to reach out to others through a handwritten note. What can you say? Tell them why you are looking forward to seeing them again in person. Let them know what you are doing during this time of seclusion. Share a funny anecdote because laughing is good for your mental and emotional health. Keep your thoughts and words upbeat and encouraging.

Have fun

Take a Walk

Get outdoors! We may not be able to eat out, shop in stores or attend events but we can enjoy the outdoors!  Take a walk around the neighborhood.

Do you live in an area near hiking trails?

Get out and explore a new trail. If you are hiking alone, be sure to let someone know your plans and dress in layers. It’s always wise to drink plenty of water while hiking, use a hiking stick and take basic first aid items with you. Please let at least one person know where you are going and when you expect to return.

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Video Chat with Friends and Family

Although we cannot visit parents, grands, friends or others at this time, we can maintain relationships through video chats. Keeping in touch with face-to-face interaction is especially important during this time of isolation. There are many aps that offer video chats. I like WhatsApp. FaceTime is another popular app. What is your favorite?

Call a friend or family member.

If you cannot video chat, a phone call is a good alternative. Call a friend, an aunt or a grandparent who lives alone. Focus on the positive during your call. Encourage them to get outside or at least open the curtains and enjoy the view.

Plan a Virtual Scavenger Hunt

No need for physical contact here! There are many ways you could play this game. Engage neighbors, friends or family members in a video or text chat. Scale the clues according to the player’s age.

How to play Virtual Scavenger Hunt

Players take turns “hiding” an item. The Hider sends the group a clue and a photo of the area surrounding the location of the item via text, WhatsApp, Facebook, etc. (plan up to five clues). The Hider gives a new clue every three, five or ten minutes (decide the timing as a group). The first to guess where it is hidden wins. If the item isn’t found within 15, 25 or 50 minutes the hider reveals where it is hidden. Define your own parameters i.e. location boundaries, size of object, points for who gets the closest without finding it, etc. Establish the parameters before the game begins.This is a super fun game for all ages.

We Can Share What We Are Doing

As you find ways to have fun and stay positive, share your activities and ideas with us. We can lift each others spirit while finding ways to make the most of our time together.

Let’s view this time as an opportunity to exercise our creativity, to have fun with our family and to find ways to connect and encourage each other.

Try one or all of these suggestions. I think you will find your spirits are lifted along with those whose lives you touch. More ideas to come as we continue to practice social distancing.

Thank you in advance for your comments. I hope you enjoy living the grateful life.

P.S. 21 Reasons to Say Thank You has a special offer to help people stay in touch during the COVID19 crisis. We are offering FREE cards, buy one box and get a second box free. Shipping is FREE. Just enter the Coupon Code BOGO at check out.

LaDonna Greiner

LaDonna Greiner is a motivational speaker and author of the book, note card and Gratitude Toolkit series, 21 Reasons to Say Thank You. Whether it’s a conversation or speech, photography or writing, she hopes to inspire people to discover the power of gratitude and giving in their lives, their workplace, and the world and act on it.


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